Classes are held in both Peterborough and Oshawa at the following locations and times:
Where: The Guild Hall St. John's Anglican Church, in downtown Peterborough. The church hall is located at 99 Brock Street (just east of Water St., north of Hunter).
When: Wednesdays from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. (followed by Karate, 8:30-10:00) Saturdays from 12:00 to 2:00 p.m. (preceded by Karate, 10:00-12:00) |
*Occasionally, there are some exceptions to this schedule. Please contact us for details. |
Longer seminars featuring guest instructors will also run over extended hours on some Saturdays.
Cost: Fees are $35 a month ($30 for students/retirees/unemployed) and are payable at the beginning of each month. Students also taking Karate or Jodo pay half-price. This price also allows Iaido students to train in Oshawa for free.
A $10 drop-in fee is charged for non-members who visit to receive instruction.
Oshawa Where: Fernhill-Nipigon Park 144 Fernhill Blvd., just north of the Oshawa Centre When: Tuesdays from 5:30-7:00 p.m. *
Cost: Fees are $35 a month ($30 for students/retirees/unemployed). 0 Students also taking Karate or Jodo pay half-price. Fees are payable at the beginning of each month. This fee also allows students to train in Peterborough for free.
A $10 drop-in fee is charged for non-members who visit to receive instruction.
* Note: This practice is followed by Jodo from 7:00-8:00, and Karate practice from 8:00-10:00.
Where: Maxwell Heights Secondary School 1100 Coldstream Dr., Harmony Rd. N. (just north of Taunton)
* Note: This is a high school club open only to students of Maxwell Heights SS.